There are so many books out there, and a lot of these books are over 400 pages or more! For today’s promt I’ll show you some of my 400+ books!
Category:Top 5 Wednesday
Written By Two Authors (Or More)
Author duos are increasingly becoming more and more common, especially within the indie author community. For today’s prompt let’s feature titles that are written by two or more authors!
Backlist Books
Backlist books are books that have been out for over a year. What are five backlist books that you’ve had your eye on for a while but have yet to get to?
Anticipated Releases
Is there ever a time when a book lover isn’t thinking about wanting a new book? Let’s talk about books we are looking forward to releasing in 2024!
Books/Series to Read in 2024
The arrival of January usually brings a list of reading resolutions and what we would love to read in the upcoming year. To kick off 2024, what are some books and/or series you want to read this year?
Least Favorite 2023 Books
Yeah, so, with these favorite books from last week, it makes sense I do have some books I didn’t like very much..
Favorite 2023 Books
So, with 41 books read, it should be easy to pick my top 5 picks, right?
Non-fiction November
This week, share some of the non-fiction books you’ve read/enjoyed the most/would recommend. You could also share some you have yet to read, or the top 5 non-fiction topics that interest you.
Spooky Times
These are your top Halloween reads. Maybe they’re horror or thriller or goth, or maybe they’re romances set during Halloween. If you don’t have books to share, maybe you can share movies or Halloween episodes instead.
Vampires, goblins, crytpids, oh my! What are some of your favorite reads that include monsters? Share as many different (or same) monsters for this prompt!